This disk contains several images for your enjoyment from Marbled Paper Textures. This is only a small sampling of the large volume of images available. They are licensed for YOUR use only, so we ask that you do not copy them for others.
The images represent some of the lower resolution files in the package. They were designed for screen display presentations at a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels and show framed, shaded and standard styles. The actual CD-ROM contains files as large as 5160 x 3360 pixels. They may be opened/imported into any application that is able to display an 8-bit custom (adaptive) palette (Photoshop, Painter and Macromedia's Director are examples). They must be saved in the TIFF format if you want to use them in DTP page-layout programs.
Marbled Paper Textures is a huge library of images for publishing, multimedia, video, slides and texture mapping. This product and other background libraries are available from:
Box 1287
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
(503) 863-4429, Fax: (503) 863-4547
Cherokee -Mimi Schleicher
Mardi Gras -Diane Maurer
Misty Blue -Susan Pogany
Classic -Susan Pogany
The marbled paper used in the Metal Button sample was done by Susan Pogany.
Metal Buttons were developed by ARTBEATS.
The art contained on this disk is original and exclusive to ARTBEATS.